About Me

Hi, I’m Vova!

I’m a passionate software engineer with a unique career trajectory, primarily focused on building custom solutions. My journey in the tech industry began as a full-time open source contributor, where I spent several years actively extending and maintaining Node.js projects on GitHub. This experience not only honed my technical skills but also deepened my appreciation for the collaborative spirit of the open source community.

Over the years, my career has taken me through exciting and challenging roles, each one expanding my expertise in different areas. I delved into the world of computer graphics engines, systems programming, backend and web development. Each project was a new adventure, pushing the boundaries of my knowledge and skills.

One of the most distinctive aspects of my career is the focus on developing tools for other developers. I’ve built core libraries, frameworks, tools for testing, logging and debugging. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in creating robust and efficient software from the ground up.

My journey with Rust started at Yalantis, where I was privileged to be a member of the core team. Here, I was responsible for developing a Rust mobile SDK and a complex framework for implementing and processing business logic. This role allowed me to explore the depths of Rust programming and contribute to innovative solutions in backend development.

Through this blog, I aim to share my personal experiences, insights, and thoughts on software engineering.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Let’s explore the fascinating world of software engineering together!